MYTH Digital Track

MYTH Digital Beam Change

MYTH Digital Beam Change
Founded by Gareth Frankland, former CEO of architectural LED pioneer acdc, aeros is a lighting technology company designed to provide lighting designers and consultants with dynamic new technology and forward thinking tools in their toolbox.
Our latest innovation features digital beam change from 10 – 50 degrees, enabling designers and unrivaled flexibility and the ability to change beam, colour and output all digitally via Casambi or Dali.
We understand light & design, and have decades of experience working with LEDs and controls technology, which means we are uniquely positioned to create technology led, well designed products for your projects
We’re based in the UK with a global reputation for excellence in lighting. With over 80 years combined experience in LED lighting and technology, our team has already completed thousands of projects across the world. From state-of-the-art football stadia to the most luxurious of hotels; from blue chip corporate headquarters to international retail roll-outs, no project is too big or small.
As our company continues to grow, we are already working on projects around the world, and are looking for like minded lighting partners in a number of international markets. We need people who want to learn and understand the technology, who have an equal passion for helping our clients deliver their proejcts.