Artwork ‘URBAN WOOD WEB’ – a vibrant flow of energy, blending art, technology and imagination

GlowCraft – an experimental workshop exploring the hidden consciousness of nature. Photo by: Edwin Wiekens

The Adventure Awaits – a hidden exhibition of dark art, based on 3D camera technology. Photo by: Ramon Mangold
Great that you’re taking a moment to read this! – I am MARNIX, an imagination powerhouse, striving every day to make the world more beautiful by bringing people closer together through meaningful spatial interactions that uplift. Experiences that stimulate the imagination, joy, and thoughtful reflection. I believe in the power of interactive art, creativity, and technology to connect people. My language is imagination and fantasy. Expect the unexpected.
“Since childhood, I have found it important to treat Spaceship Earth with love and advocate for leaving it more beautiful. I tackle significant challenges by making them small and tangible. Understanding the essence and recognizing how it functions is crucial to moving from the small scale to the larger picture once again.”